Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Psalm 119:3 - Without Wrong Ways

"they do no wrong 
but follow his ways."

The "They" in this verse refers to verse two which states "those who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart." When seeking God for a meaning to the verse, I was questioning and skeptical. How can a man be of absolutely no wrong? Gently, the Holy Spirit whispered to me, "Brenna. It is not that those who followed the ways of the Lord didn't wrong; it is that God sees them without fault, with no wrongs attached. Instead, He views them as followers of his ways and are therefor blameless and pure in His view. There is no way to do no wrong while still ignoring the ways and statutes of the Lord, but instead, following the ways of the King of Kings is a substitute for doing wrong. This is certainly a viable trade.

Broken, beaten, bruised, and battered -
all around my life is scattered.
Hit, hated, handled, and hurt -
my life is dust among the dirt.
I wish to seek, I wish to find
a hand that holds me ever so kind.
But wrongs have stacked and failures abound
I have hit no high, only ground. 
But my life has turned and follow I will
so to these sins, I choose to kill.
Following the King is what I shall do,
so Behold! For I am not wrong, but new.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Psalm 119:2 - Keep & Seek

"Blessed are those who keep his statutes 
and seek him with all their heart -"

Keep & seek: these two words are far from passive. Why? Because while God pursues us, we must ACTIVELY pursue Him. It would be foolish to ask God to live out these commands of keeping his statutes and seeking him, for it is our living that is to be done. Statutes, being rules, are meant to be kept and will encompass blessing as well to the man who keeps them.

Another though is about the word all. A heart can not physically be whole and in multiple places at once. Therefore, when adamantly searching for God, one must do so with the entirety of his or her heart. It is all or nothing. Be with Him or be away from Him. You can not serve two masters. So take the truth that comes from obeying His commands and sweetly stir it with the passion that comes from seeking Him with the fullness of your heart to stand firm in the knowledge that you are blessed.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Psalm 119:1 - Blameless & Blessed

"Blessed are those whose ways are blameless,
who walk according to the law of the Lord." - NIV

Blameless: Hebrew "Tamim" - complete, sound, unblemished, intact, whole

Not only does the absence of evil in one's ways equate to blessing, but the presence of completeness and soundness must be in existence as well. How can you be sure that both are occurring? Walk according to the law of the Lord. Walking is something that you can do either leisurely or briskly. It can be used to accomplish a task or enjoy your surroundings. No matter what pace or situation your walk is currently at, it must be in accordance with the law of the Lord. No walker can remain on their feet, blameless and blessed, without adhering to the law. Because Christ has given us freedom, does not give us an excuse to ignore the law. (1 Peter 2:16, Galatians 5:13) Adhering to the commands solidifies blessing from the Commander to the commanded.

Psalm 119: The Beginning

I felt as though God had spoken Psalm 119 to me, but my instant thought was to reject it because it was "probably just something I heard due to the popularity of Psalm 119 and it's length." I read it anyways, however, and was reassured that it was from the Lord. Every verse captivated my heart and made me want to dive deeper. The Spirit then, I believe, prompted me to go through, verse by verse, everyday and write thoughts, illustrations, definitions, etc. pertaining to that verse until I go through the entire chapter. So although I do not know how long this journey will be or what will impact you or won't impact you, I pray that the Spirit moves through these upcoming texts over the course of the next couple of months. May they be like rain on a mown lawn and seed on fertile soil, I cry out.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Broken, Beaten, Bruised, Beloved

When lightning strikes and dusk rolls in,
When all you feel is secret sin,
When hearts are breaking and darkness roams
You feel as though no one has homes;
When victory seems far from you
And broken hearts are in clear view,
When all these things come and stay,
Just stand and remember He has pay.
And pay He does, for your small life
Regardless of His pain and strife
For you are worth every patient call
That He has made for the Ball,
The Ball in which you are the honor,
Although they all thought you were a goner.
Royalty is the host of this dance,
And you have been chosen and given the chance:
The chance to be all that you can,
To remove yourself and become a new man,
To claim death to the lies that come and destroy
To dismantle the plans satan deploy
To accept the beckoning of your true name,
the one where you're royal and wrapped in His fame.
So come now, be still, in His perfect identity,
For sweet, tender child you are the entity
That changes the course of time as we know
And shakes the world cast down below.
Though the trial seems to be constant and endless
Be certain that you are far from friendless,
For the Lover of the rich is the Lover of the poor
So no matter your income, you need no more
The currency you hold is sufficient for you,
And because of His payment, there's nothing due.
Now go live the life He has authored with care,
And fear not! For the devil would not dare
To mess with the one whose messed up existence
Has been purchased by He who knows no distance.