Stuck in the hum drum of stop and go
Always going too fast, too slow.
Never stopping to smell the roses
As life flies by you catch the poses
That you have posed to try to be
Someone that you'll never see
So stop your act you precious child
There is more to life than mild.
There is grace and love and joy
far surpassing that Christmas toy
that rots on the shelf you've placed your heart
which decays, too, part by part
for you have been eating what hurts and kills,
a poison of ideals that your mind wills.
But attaining the life that you think you need
could not help, child, it merely will feed
your craving for more nutrition from waste
and you'll be left empty with nothing but haste.
But now, in this season, a new call is ringing,
A call that fills many hearts with singing,
a call that beckons and cries out with love
a call that could only be sung from above.
So, sweet child, come lend your ear.
There is more, so do not fear.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Christmas Calls
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
The Robe Generation
We are called to be the Robe
Generation. Listen to me. You are wearing a robe. This robe is one of
righteousness. I said this robe is one of righteousness. It gleams like a bride
adorned in jewels on her wedding day (Isaiah 61:10). I said it gleams like a
bride adorned in jewels on her wedding day. It is white, bright, and brilliant
(Revelation 7:9). In fact, it is the exact same white that was used to describe
Jesus’ own garment when he had transfigured before Peter, James, and John on
the mountain (Matthew 17:2). Why? Why are we worthy of having the same purely colored
garment as the Savior of the World? Because this righteousness that you, you
who have come out of great tribulation, this righteousness that you now wear is
in the form of a magnificent robe that has been washed in the blood of Jesus
Himself; by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit (Revelation
7:14) (Titus 3:5). The blood that you cried out for when you shouted, “Crucify
Him! Crucify Him!” The blood that you smiled at as it dripped down the wood of
the cross - the blood of the lamb. This very blood that was shed from an
innocent and flawless Man for your sake now makes you righteous and holy. Jesus
is the righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:21). And we wear this same
righteousness. Let that sink in. You are a sibling of Righteousness Himself
(Matthew 12:48 – 50). You are a chosen friend of the Most High God who will
give you whatever you ask in His name because His love for you never fails (John
15:16) (1 Corinthians 13:8). He is Love Himself, and He can’t go against His
nature. Guess what? People can no longer ignore this blinding robe that He has
graciously blanketed over you, for it illuminates the room. Darkness flees at
the sight of it. For the blinding light displaces any surrounding darkness – it
overcomes and defeats, crushes and deletes. This robe, however, will bring
forth mockery; people will despise you for it. Why? Because this very robe that
covers you, is the robe that the soldiers who drove the nails into Jesus’ hands
and feet tried to defile in mockery (Mark 15:17). They clothed Jesus in a tattered
purple robe in way to say, “Where is your kingdom, oh great King?” for people
of royalty wear robes. I said people of royalty wear robes! Jesus took their,
your, mockery and cleansed and refined and made new the defiled, sin-ridden
robe that was placed on his body by you, the solider who nailed him to the
cross, who caused Him to die. He now covers you with the very garment you used
to spit in his face. You are now the royalty in the robe, oh princes and
princesses of Christ the King of Kings, for you are a son or daughter of the
Great I Am (Exodus 3:14) (Romans 8:17) (John 1:12). You share in the glory of
God. While you cry and weep saying, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and
against you I am no longer worthy to be called your child.” He is hugging you,
kissing you, and graciously thrusting upon you the very best robe that He has
(Luke 15:21-22). For after a bath, one needs a robe; and you have been doused
in the Living Water, completely cleansed and cleaned, and now, as the Living
Water flows out of you to drench those around you, you wear a the Robe to keep
you safe and warm (John 7:38) (1 John 1:7). You are a crown of beauty in the
Hand of the Lord and the nations will see the righteousness that bursts forth
from this glimmering robe that you wear (Isaiah 62:2-3). But listen here. You
weren’t always this way. “All of us have become like one who is unclean, and
all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and
like the wind our sins sweep us away.” (Isaiah 64:6) You stood before God in
filthy clothes. And He said to his angels, “Take off this child’s filthy
clothes.” Then He looked at you, once again, as you were bare before him with
no place to hide, and he put rich garments on you and clothed you so you would
now shine brilliantly of and like Him (Zechariah 3:3-5). You now, by the grace
of God, have become like a tree planted by streams of water, whose leaves never
wither; whatever you do prospers into abundant and everlasting fruit, for you
are fused to vine (Psalm 1:3) (John 15:5). What does all this sound like?
Freedom. The Loving Father wants you to know tonight that you have been set
free from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2); you are no longer a slave to
the reign of sin for the God that holds you in the palm of His hand reigns over
all the universe and beyond (Romans 6:6) (Psalm 95:4) (Psalm 37:24). You will
not be condemned by God for you have been accepted into the Kingdom with a Holy
Robe (Romans 8:1) (Romans 15:7). You are a saint (1 Corinthians 1:2) (Ephesians
1:1) (Philippians 1:1)(Colossians 1:2). Within the robe, you are a temple of
the Holy Spirit who joyfully dwells inside of you (1 Corinthians 6:19). I said
the Holy Spirit, a member of the Triune God, has taken residence inside of you.
Put one hand on your heart and the other on your head. You are touching the
house of Comforter, Holy Spirit (John 14:26). The hand on your head is now
feeling a softened mind, for Christ has removed your hardened head when making
you into a new creature (2 Corinthians 3:14) (2 Corinthians 5:17). I said you
are a new creature through Christ. You are chosen, holy, and blameless, just as
your robe suggests (Ephesians 1:4) You have been redeemed and forgiven –
blessed with every spiritual blessing known in the heavenly places (Ephesians
1:3) (Ephesians 1:7). You have been sealed and made alive (Ephesians 1:13)
(Ephesians 2:4-5). And with this royal robe, you now have been brought near to
God to partake of His promise as you sit in the heavenly places with Christ
(Ephesians 2:6) (Ephesians 2:13) (Ephesians 3:6). You have been raised up as a
citizen in heaven with all the rights and glories that are associated with it
(Philippians 3:20) (Colossians 3:1). You have been made complete in Christ
(Colossians 2:10). Never again will that pain, heartache, brokenness, sin,
hurt, death, or curse have power over you. You have power over it through God’s
mighty scepter. Let us not forget the robe that encompasses our bodies, and our
commission to bring others into the closet to be clothed with us. Let us plant
ourselves beside the Living Water and keep watch for those recently drenched,
and beckoning those who are in need of the cleanse. Remember who you are, over
what you’ve done. Remember who you’ve become, over where you’ve been. His call
to us is one of joy and love; let us answer it. Embrace the robe given to you
with a child-like faith and exuberance. You belong here. Always remember: You
belong here.
Prayer: God, we ask You to fill us with the knowledge of Your will
through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that we may
live a life worthy of You and please You in every way. That we may bear fruit
in every good work, grow in the knowledge of You, be strengthened with all
power according to Your glorious might so that we may have great endurance and
patience, and give joyful thanks to You, oh Mighty Father, who has qualified us
to share in the inheritance of Your holy people in the kingdom of light. For
You have rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the
kingdom of the Son You love, in whom we humbly have redemption, the forgiveness
of sins. (Colossians 1:9–14) I pray that out of Your glorious riches You may
strengthen us with power through Your Spirit in our inner being, so that Christ
may dwell in our hearts through faith. And I pray that we, being rooted and
established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how
wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love
that surpasses knowledge – that we may be filled to the measure of all the
fullness of You, oh God. Now to You who is able to do immeasurably more than
all we ask or imagine, according to You power that is at work within us, to You
be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generation, for ever
and ever! Amen (Ephesians 3:16-21)
Monday, September 10, 2012
The Father's Heart
His hand placed softly around her waist,
guiding her gently - no sign of hast.
A glimmer in His eye while she laughs and giggles,
as He joyfully smiles at all her wiggles.
Feeding her what He knows she needs
even when her foolish banter impedes.
Her growing up sweetly sings Him a song,
as He lovingly scolds her when she does wrong -
knowing full-well this discipline will grow her.
He never hesitates to be her chauffeur -
bringing His princess where she needs to be
and applying a band-aid when she skins her knee.
He rushes to her side to untangle her mess,
as she unknowingly twirls in her yellow sundress.
Protecting her is what He strives to do
whether holding, scolding or buying a new.
He clothes her with the items He bought
just for her, He labored and wrought,
for He knew that these things would bring her delight,
and now He holds her when she's weary at night.
No matter the moment, problem or fear -
Daddy's always there to draw His joy near.
guiding her gently - no sign of hast.
A glimmer in His eye while she laughs and giggles,
as He joyfully smiles at all her wiggles.
Feeding her what He knows she needs
even when her foolish banter impedes.
Her growing up sweetly sings Him a song,
as He lovingly scolds her when she does wrong -
knowing full-well this discipline will grow her.
He never hesitates to be her chauffeur -
bringing His princess where she needs to be
and applying a band-aid when she skins her knee.
He rushes to her side to untangle her mess,
as she unknowingly twirls in her yellow sundress.
Protecting her is what He strives to do
whether holding, scolding or buying a new.
He clothes her with the items He bought
just for her, He labored and wrought,
for He knew that these things would bring her delight,
and now He holds her when she's weary at night.
No matter the moment, problem or fear -
Daddy's always there to draw His joy near.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Psalm 119:3 - Without Wrong Ways
"they do no wrong
but follow his ways."
The "They" in this verse refers to verse two which states "those who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart." When seeking God for a meaning to the verse, I was questioning and skeptical. How can a man be of absolutely no wrong? Gently, the Holy Spirit whispered to me, "Brenna. It is not that those who followed the ways of the Lord didn't wrong; it is that God sees them without fault, with no wrongs attached. Instead, He views them as followers of his ways and are therefor blameless and pure in His view. There is no way to do no wrong while still ignoring the ways and statutes of the Lord, but instead, following the ways of the King of Kings is a substitute for doing wrong. This is certainly a viable trade.
Broken, beaten, bruised, and battered -
all around my life is scattered.
Hit, hated, handled, and hurt -
my life is dust among the dirt.
I wish to seek, I wish to find
a hand that holds me ever so kind.
But wrongs have stacked and failures abound
I have hit no high, only ground.
But my life has turned and follow I will
so to these sins, I choose to kill.
Following the King is what I shall do,
so Behold! For I am not wrong, but new.
but follow his ways."
The "They" in this verse refers to verse two which states "those who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart." When seeking God for a meaning to the verse, I was questioning and skeptical. How can a man be of absolutely no wrong? Gently, the Holy Spirit whispered to me, "Brenna. It is not that those who followed the ways of the Lord didn't wrong; it is that God sees them without fault, with no wrongs attached. Instead, He views them as followers of his ways and are therefor blameless and pure in His view. There is no way to do no wrong while still ignoring the ways and statutes of the Lord, but instead, following the ways of the King of Kings is a substitute for doing wrong. This is certainly a viable trade.
Broken, beaten, bruised, and battered -
all around my life is scattered.
Hit, hated, handled, and hurt -
my life is dust among the dirt.
I wish to seek, I wish to find
a hand that holds me ever so kind.
But wrongs have stacked and failures abound
I have hit no high, only ground.
But my life has turned and follow I will
so to these sins, I choose to kill.
Following the King is what I shall do,
so Behold! For I am not wrong, but new.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Psalm 119:2 - Keep & Seek
"Blessed are those who keep his statutes
and seek him with all their heart -"
Keep & seek: these two words are far from passive. Why? Because while God pursues us, we must ACTIVELY pursue Him. It would be foolish to ask God to live out these commands of keeping his statutes and seeking him, for it is our living that is to be done. Statutes, being rules, are meant to be kept and will encompass blessing as well to the man who keeps them.
Another though is about the word all. A heart can not physically be whole and in multiple places at once. Therefore, when adamantly searching for God, one must do so with the entirety of his or her heart. It is all or nothing. Be with Him or be away from Him. You can not serve two masters. So take the truth that comes from obeying His commands and sweetly stir it with the passion that comes from seeking Him with the fullness of your heart to stand firm in the knowledge that you are blessed.
and seek him with all their heart -"
Keep & seek: these two words are far from passive. Why? Because while God pursues us, we must ACTIVELY pursue Him. It would be foolish to ask God to live out these commands of keeping his statutes and seeking him, for it is our living that is to be done. Statutes, being rules, are meant to be kept and will encompass blessing as well to the man who keeps them.
Another though is about the word all. A heart can not physically be whole and in multiple places at once. Therefore, when adamantly searching for God, one must do so with the entirety of his or her heart. It is all or nothing. Be with Him or be away from Him. You can not serve two masters. So take the truth that comes from obeying His commands and sweetly stir it with the passion that comes from seeking Him with the fullness of your heart to stand firm in the knowledge that you are blessed.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Psalm 119:1 - Blameless & Blessed
"Blessed are those whose ways are blameless,
who walk according to the law of the Lord." - NIV
Blameless: Hebrew "Tamim" - complete, sound, unblemished, intact, whole
Not only does the absence of evil in one's ways equate to blessing, but the presence of completeness and soundness must be in existence as well. How can you be sure that both are occurring? Walk according to the law of the Lord. Walking is something that you can do either leisurely or briskly. It can be used to accomplish a task or enjoy your surroundings. No matter what pace or situation your walk is currently at, it must be in accordance with the law of the Lord. No walker can remain on their feet, blameless and blessed, without adhering to the law. Because Christ has given us freedom, does not give us an excuse to ignore the law. (1 Peter 2:16, Galatians 5:13) Adhering to the commands solidifies blessing from the Commander to the commanded.
who walk according to the law of the Lord." - NIV
Blameless: Hebrew "Tamim" - complete, sound, unblemished, intact, whole
Not only does the absence of evil in one's ways equate to blessing, but the presence of completeness and soundness must be in existence as well. How can you be sure that both are occurring? Walk according to the law of the Lord. Walking is something that you can do either leisurely or briskly. It can be used to accomplish a task or enjoy your surroundings. No matter what pace or situation your walk is currently at, it must be in accordance with the law of the Lord. No walker can remain on their feet, blameless and blessed, without adhering to the law. Because Christ has given us freedom, does not give us an excuse to ignore the law. (1 Peter 2:16, Galatians 5:13) Adhering to the commands solidifies blessing from the Commander to the commanded.
Psalm 119: The Beginning
I felt as though God had spoken Psalm 119 to me, but my instant thought was to reject it because it was "probably just something I heard due to the popularity of Psalm 119 and it's length." I read it anyways, however, and was reassured that it was from the Lord. Every verse captivated my heart and made me want to dive deeper. The Spirit then, I believe, prompted me to go through, verse by verse, everyday and write thoughts, illustrations, definitions, etc. pertaining to that verse until I go through the entire chapter. So although I do not know how long this journey will be or what will impact you or won't impact you, I pray that the Spirit moves through these upcoming texts over the course of the next couple of months. May they be like rain on a mown lawn and seed on fertile soil, I cry out.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Broken, Beaten, Bruised, Beloved
When lightning strikes and dusk rolls in,
When all you feel is secret sin,
When hearts are breaking and darkness roams
You feel as though no one has homes;
When victory seems far from you
And broken hearts are in clear view,
When all these things come and stay,
Just stand and remember He has pay.
And pay He does, for your small life
Regardless of His pain and strife
For you are worth every patient call
That He has made for the Ball,
The Ball in which you are the honor,
Although they all thought you were a goner.
Royalty is the host of this dance,
And you have been chosen and given the chance:
The chance to be all that you can,
To remove yourself and become a new man,
To claim death to the lies that come and destroy
To dismantle the plans satan deploy
To accept the beckoning of your true name,
the one where you're royal and wrapped in His fame.
So come now, be still, in His perfect identity,
For sweet, tender child you are the entity
That changes the course of time as we know
And shakes the world cast down below.
Though the trial seems to be constant and endless
Be certain that you are far from friendless,
For the Lover of the rich is the Lover of the poor
So no matter your income, you need no more
The currency you hold is sufficient for you,
And because of His payment, there's nothing due.
Now go live the life He has authored with care,
And fear not! For the devil would not dare
To mess with the one whose messed up existence
Has been purchased by He who knows no distance.
When all you feel is secret sin,
When hearts are breaking and darkness roams
You feel as though no one has homes;
When victory seems far from you
And broken hearts are in clear view,
When all these things come and stay,
Just stand and remember He has pay.
And pay He does, for your small life
Regardless of His pain and strife
For you are worth every patient call
That He has made for the Ball,
The Ball in which you are the honor,
Although they all thought you were a goner.
Royalty is the host of this dance,
And you have been chosen and given the chance:
The chance to be all that you can,
To remove yourself and become a new man,
To claim death to the lies that come and destroy
To dismantle the plans satan deploy
To accept the beckoning of your true name,
the one where you're royal and wrapped in His fame.
So come now, be still, in His perfect identity,
For sweet, tender child you are the entity
That changes the course of time as we know
And shakes the world cast down below.
Though the trial seems to be constant and endless
Be certain that you are far from friendless,
For the Lover of the rich is the Lover of the poor
So no matter your income, you need no more
The currency you hold is sufficient for you,
And because of His payment, there's nothing due.
Now go live the life He has authored with care,
And fear not! For the devil would not dare
To mess with the one whose messed up existence
Has been purchased by He who knows no distance.
Monday, June 4, 2012
2 Corinthians 4:7-9
You can be called, but you may not be comfortable.
You can be beckoned, but you may not be believing.
You can be listening, but you may not be living.
You can be the one to sit back and feel sorry
while secretly wishing you were not so chary
knowing that His way may be so clear
but as the dust rolls in, you stumble and fear.
Allow the dust to settle for it's then you will see
that this issue you're facing isn't bigger than thee,
for you see, the devil tries to complicate and confuse
when the choice is simply yours to choose.
When Jesus is paving the path you step,
why quickly forget His perfect rep?
His presence is nigh and failure far,
so this complication can be reduced in the jar -
the jar of treasure that shows His power
is all-surpassing and just from His tower.
Although we are hard-pressed from all sides,
Crushed is not our soul from these rides;
and although we may be perplexed for a time,
we despair not as the clock rings a chime;
and although we are persecuted for this,
Abandonment shall not result in remiss;
and although struck down our spirit may feel,
the destruction surmounting will never repeal
the works of the One whose conquered all
to prove that this struggle will cause us to fall,
not at the feet of the one who destroys,
but at that of the One who quiets the noise -
the noise of the pressures to conform and fit in,
the noise of the parents requiring sin,
the noise of the commoners seeking their place,
the noise of the surrounding running the race.
All the noise rising up from the mess
has suddenly stilled at His calming word, "Yes."
Yes to the plans He has weaved for me;
yes to the person He wants me to be;
yes to the child He made for a plan;
yes to the beauty that has already began;
yes to the life He's created so sweetly;
and yes to the princess He's beckoned so completely.
You can be beckoned, but you may not be believing.
You can be listening, but you may not be living.
You can be the one to sit back and feel sorry
while secretly wishing you were not so chary
knowing that His way may be so clear
but as the dust rolls in, you stumble and fear.
Allow the dust to settle for it's then you will see
that this issue you're facing isn't bigger than thee,
for you see, the devil tries to complicate and confuse
when the choice is simply yours to choose.
When Jesus is paving the path you step,
why quickly forget His perfect rep?
His presence is nigh and failure far,
so this complication can be reduced in the jar -
the jar of treasure that shows His power
is all-surpassing and just from His tower.
Although we are hard-pressed from all sides,
Crushed is not our soul from these rides;
and although we may be perplexed for a time,
we despair not as the clock rings a chime;
and although we are persecuted for this,
Abandonment shall not result in remiss;
and although struck down our spirit may feel,
the destruction surmounting will never repeal
the works of the One whose conquered all
to prove that this struggle will cause us to fall,
not at the feet of the one who destroys,
but at that of the One who quiets the noise -
the noise of the pressures to conform and fit in,
the noise of the parents requiring sin,
the noise of the commoners seeking their place,
the noise of the surrounding running the race.
All the noise rising up from the mess
has suddenly stilled at His calming word, "Yes."
Yes to the plans He has weaved for me;
yes to the person He wants me to be;
yes to the child He made for a plan;
yes to the beauty that has already began;
yes to the life He's created so sweetly;
and yes to the princess He's beckoned so completely.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Proverbs 18:21
Words can break and hurt, steal and pervert.
This world has chosen destruction from construction
and has used that which was created for encouragement as discouragement.
Twisted phrases make tightfisted men,
eager to fight, ready to "win".
Words can destroy and tear, hate and compare.
Yet the purpose of these expressions is not to fuel depressions
or encourage worldly possessions through false impressions,
but instead vast sentences are meant for reward and relief, support and belief.
Words can uplift and build, inspire and gild.
No such words but those of the Lord's are holy and wholly,
always giving without lack or set back.
The King of Grace and mercy flows through the tips of lips,
so God, I pray, scorch my mouth so I may speak of Your Love as graceful as a dove.
This world has chosen destruction from construction
and has used that which was created for encouragement as discouragement.
Twisted phrases make tightfisted men,
eager to fight, ready to "win".
Words can destroy and tear, hate and compare.
Yet the purpose of these expressions is not to fuel depressions
or encourage worldly possessions through false impressions,
but instead vast sentences are meant for reward and relief, support and belief.
Words can uplift and build, inspire and gild.
No such words but those of the Lord's are holy and wholly,
always giving without lack or set back.
The King of Grace and mercy flows through the tips of lips,
so God, I pray, scorch my mouth so I may speak of Your Love as graceful as a dove.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Fallen yet Loved
I fall at His feet stained, chained, pained, and drained.
While the world continues to make me strained.
As I sit and remind myself this is that for which I have trained.
Always remembering His love so engrained.
It's this kind of love that can not be contained.
But He has chosen that I stand ordained,
Unstained, sustained, unconstrained, and maintained.
For in my heart He has deeply ingrained
Every word, perfectly arraigned.
So no longer am I extensively restrained
Or the passion in me unfortunately contained
For He has broken in and entertained
Every desire which has now remained.
Realizing in full, His love is obtained
Through this intense disgust, for sin has disdained.
Matchless Lover, you always pertained
To my life from which I've worked and abstained
Knowing Your worth is unexplained
Through lowly human attempts that waned.
So Righteous One here I am unrestrained
Ready and willing to be called and regained.
While the world continues to make me strained.
As I sit and remind myself this is that for which I have trained.
Always remembering His love so engrained.
It's this kind of love that can not be contained.
But He has chosen that I stand ordained,
Unstained, sustained, unconstrained, and maintained.
For in my heart He has deeply ingrained
Every word, perfectly arraigned.
So no longer am I extensively restrained
Or the passion in me unfortunately contained
For He has broken in and entertained
Every desire which has now remained.
Realizing in full, His love is obtained
Through this intense disgust, for sin has disdained.
Matchless Lover, you always pertained
To my life from which I've worked and abstained
Knowing Your worth is unexplained
Through lowly human attempts that waned.
So Righteous One here I am unrestrained
Ready and willing to be called and regained.
He Sings to Me
The Warrior of all that stands before me;
The Cleaner of all that's in my past;
The Pursuer of all that attempts to fool thee;
The Lover of all that crumble aghast.
Runner of the race to which I should run,
Yet He tells me to sit and watch Him go;
Finishing the match which He begun
Proving, again, all that I owe.
However, He kisses me gently to remind
Of all He does when I stand by
Such as give crystal sight to me, the blind
And lift me up so I can fly.
Father of Light who beams through dark
You whisper sweet promises to your child,
And as I walk You take me and lark
Looking down on me, You smiled.
This princess You crowned with shining glory
Turning wretched flaws into radiant beauty
Always seeing, clearly, the full story
Knowing full and declaring my duty.
The Savior of all who walk the Earth;
The Ransom of all who are stained;
The Grace of all who desire rebirth;
The King of all who are pained.
The Cleaner of all that's in my past;
The Pursuer of all that attempts to fool thee;
The Lover of all that crumble aghast.
Runner of the race to which I should run,
Yet He tells me to sit and watch Him go;
Finishing the match which He begun
Proving, again, all that I owe.
However, He kisses me gently to remind
Of all He does when I stand by
Such as give crystal sight to me, the blind
And lift me up so I can fly.
Father of Light who beams through dark
You whisper sweet promises to your child,
And as I walk You take me and lark
Looking down on me, You smiled.
This princess You crowned with shining glory
Turning wretched flaws into radiant beauty
Always seeing, clearly, the full story
Knowing full and declaring my duty.
The Savior of all who walk the Earth;
The Ransom of all who are stained;
The Grace of all who desire rebirth;
The King of all who are pained.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
1 John 1:1-4
"That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we looked upon and have touched with our hands, concerning the word of life— the life was made manifest, and we have seen it, and testify to it and proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and was made manifest to us— that which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. And we are writing these things so that our joy may be complete."
This divinely written song supernaturally appeared as the one and only song on my iPod, for God knew it was the only one I would need as an anthem for the entire trip. Things went from bad to worse as my desperation continuously amplified. Alone time was scarce, so quiet time took uncharacteristic forms; constant meditation on the word, along with prayer and stillness, became essential to remaining whole, as the threats to fall apart circled like a vulture, waiting to devour its prey. My own strength had failed me; my Saviors sustained me. I felt helpless and alone with He being the only solid Rock amongst all failing relationships. He cradled me gently, for He knew I needed the security and peace that only His comforting arms could provide. Circumstances failed me, but His hope inhaled me.
There are seasons in which God entrusts to us that are so majestically full of abundant works that one would be selfish to hold them within; this is one of those times. I realize that this is text-heavy, but so is the Bible. If you do not care for the works of God and His mighty works being manifest in the Earth, please continue as I am trusting the Glorious One to change you with this text. If you do care for these things, continue in the same. Either way, I know that the Holy Spirit will shake you because all glory is to the One who has done all of this within me. Let this testimony mix with the sweet scent of the blood of the Lamb to cause you to overcome the great dragon, the serpent of the old, who is called the devil and Satan.
Let me begin with the valley, as every great hill has a base. Spring break, a trip to Florida, seemed to be an escape, a fresh beginning; it was, however, far from this ideal. Driving down consisted of overwhelming bickering and fighting between my parents - my heart breaking with every hateful word spoken. I cried out to God as I cried silent streams from the seat inches away from the source of destruction. I grabbed my iPod to drown out the anger with victorious songs to Victory Himself. I had, right before the trip, updated my songs with approximately 250 songs of pure worship, and I was looking to shuffle through the multitudes now in search for the right song to explain my worship; once I looked at the player while sitting in the car, however, it had only one song on it - Freedom is Here/ Shout Unto God by Hillsong United.
I returned home, unstable in my own balancing act, to uncertainty and confusion. I hadn't understood various acts that I had seen occur within my brothers and sisters at home, and the devil constantly attempted to consume me with lies to separate me from the Body. I, however, reluctantly attended youth group after what seemed to be forever since the last occurrence. Beforehand, I prayed over the night and over families, including my own. I explained my intensifying desire for deceitful thoughts to diminish as well as to see the Spirit move in the night. The following is the testimony I wrote before I went to bed that evening:
"Today I really didn't want to go to youth group. For the very first time in my life, I didn't want to go. I didn't know why, I just knew that I wanted to stay home; I began to make excuses of why I should stay home and not go. Then, 6th hour, my old communications teacher, Mr. Manning, told me that I should come and see him in 7th hour. I went in and he asked my how my weekend was, I said fine. He got really embarrassed and I asked him why. He said that he was at a men's conference during the weekend and he thought he heard my name, so he began to pray for me. I told him how that was actually spot on and how he shouldn't be embarrassed. His prayers stirred the heavens; my over one month long complacency broke two nights after he prayed - last night. Then, I ended up going to youth group - I had a dentist in De Pere, anyway. Before my dentist, however, from 3 to 4, I prayed. I wasn't "feeling" it, but I knew God just wanted me to lift up His name. He told me to simply sing of Him, not to ask for anything else. Then He told me Psalm 68:4. When I read it, I thought it was a good verse and that I should share a chunk of that passage at youth group tonight for encouragement, but it really didn't have a major wow-factor (excluding the obvious, that it was a word from the Lord, thus it's wow-factor is certain).
The time rolled around for worship to start. As prayer occurred at the beginning, I realized that I hadn't shared the verses and I was bummed, but I figured that there was a reason that I forgot and that I would share at the end. I quickly scurried over to grab my Bible so that I could share later, before the video. We started to sing You Reign by Citipointe Live. God whispered to me, "Brenna. It's 'Your kingdom come; Your will be done. Jesus RAIN over me. Not merely REIGN over me.'" I soaked that in and stood in awe. Then Kirk stood up and said that he had a word: God wanted to heal from tormenting thoughts. Anyone who wanted healing from tormenting thoughts was to go to the front of the room. I stood around the altar with EVERYONE ELSE! We all went up and received prayer.
I switched between crying and laughing. Deliverance and power over the thoughts and desires that have haunted me since before I can remember was released. Then, I knew worship would be wrapping up soon and I wanted to share the word I had before. I grabbed my bible to re-read what followed verse 4 since I hadn't previously. It was SPOT ON! I walked over to Kirk and told him that I had something to share before he prayed. Worship ended up continuing, and we decided that we were going to worship for the remainder of youth group because God was moving and we would move with Him. I shared the verses and how we should sing You Reign again, thinking about You RAIN, and we should dance. We did.
The rest of the night was glorious. Two prayer requests came forward and God continually spoke words from His Word from my lips as I prayed. Then, I took my friend home. She explained what she was going through; it was exactly the situation I was in two years ago when I was saved. She's having a hard time balancing friends, wanting to know everything now, and not feeling heard amongst other Christians. She also said how she wanted to speak in tongues. I thought, "Well perfect, I want you to as well and so does the All-Powerful Yahweh." We got to her driveway and right as she was about to leave, I firmly told her that she was going to the receive this gift and that I will pray for her right now. About 15 minutes later, that girl was speaking in tongues! I explained to her that it is just like a language and that you need to work at it. Then she told me how she had told another girl about her desire earlier that night and the girl told her to keep praying about it. When we knock, the Faithful One rushes to answer. Hosanna in the Highest!"
The following weekend I, once again, did not attend church; I had a state competition in La Crosse that I had to attend. The time brought a disgust for the world as the consumption of those desires engulfed the ones surrounding me whom I love. As the fight for the truth began to wear me down more and more, once again forcing me to rely fully on His strength, exhaustion set in. My Father, God graciously provided time slots of alone time in which I was able to bask in His presence amongst the chaos, providing the much-needed springs in the dry land. Then, on the ride home, I had begun to listen to my iPod. On shuffle, the random songs appeared, one after the other, as tears silently rolled from my cheeks - I was spent. These "random" songs, however, were far from that; song after song came on, each from All Sons & Daughters explaining, through song, my exact heart's cry in that moment.
Suddenly, my best friend from elementary and middle school (with whose friendship withered after my salvation) turned around in her seat and began to pour out her heart to me. She explained her life, knowing that I would enjoy hearing of it since we had been basically separated for a couple of years. As she continues, I interject things going on with me, such as my fighting parents and exhaustion. Out of the blue, another girl comes in to the conversation, explaining how she is having an extremely difficult time with her ever-bickering parents. All in all, Glory shown through as God gently revealed His all-consuming Father Love, and I prayed for each girl. I return to my iPod and what song is flowing through my headphones? I Am Set Free by All Sons & Daughters. Indeed, I am set free.
The following Tuesday, youth group came once again. I found out that the previous gathering had been relatively uneventful, excluding the never-failing Love of God that swoops in. I, as routine, prayed over the night and asked for the Presence of God to fill the sanctuary. Inviting the Holy Spirit to come, my plea carried on even as I left the room. That night, once again, God moved radically and the night, once again, resumed as a full-blown worship night. This radical event enforced what had previously been declared amongst our youth group as well as within me: Immanuel is with us.
One night that week, I began to read James, for I had previously been discussing the book with one of my sisters in Christ. I read through and got to the verse 5:16. I acknowledged the power of my prayers, yet after reading verse 17-18, decided to trust God with something other than someone's life: rain. I asked for it to pour to display His undoubting Glory, once again. That night, I awoke in the middle of the night for something loudly radiated through my room: the unmistakable sound of a downpour.
It had since been five weeks since I was in Florida so much had God shifted and changed within me, but I was in no way prepared for what was about to come. I viewed a move of God like never before at this night's youth group - a purifying-and-refining gold moment. The following is a recount of the night:
"I went in early to have a worship time with the girl who previously gained the gift of prayer language. My heart was heavy and my Spirit stirred as I prayed over the night. Various words became repetitious in my desires as well as my prayers such as revival and families. Additionally, I laid out my desire to see each person fall, one-by-one, to their knees in worship and adoration in the powerful Presence of the King. I also deeply felt as though we were to realize the sanctuary is holy ground and enter it as though walking right in to the Kingdom of God. Two hours of prayer and worship later, I found Kirk and explained to him about my desire to pray before entering the Sanctuary for it is holy ground. He explained that He also agreed that we should pray and he felt God speaking that to him earlier in the day as well.
We entered into prayer as a group, none of us able to suspect that this "prayer before entering" would turn into two hours and fifteen minutes of crying out. God surpassed my understanding, once again, as Kirk prayed for revival, Lisa prayed for families, and each person fell to their knees, one-by-one. My heart changed and shook that night - my heart's cry for my school awakened and refreshed with a new sense of urgency and flame. My entire outlook erased and re-written to more accurately read as the Word of the Living God reads."
Needless to say, this last month have been nothing short of extraordinary. I pray that this text is full of grace, seasoned with salt, and mixed with faith so that it blesses you as it has blessed me. My heart longs for you to know the intricate Love that the LIVING God has for you. I know not where your relationship with God stands, but I do know that His mercies are new every morning. I recognize, with immense joy, that this is only the beginning for me as I look at these prior words in awe of the One who wrote them on my heart and in my life book, knowing that the rest is up to Him as well. He wants you to hand Him the pen so that He can do even greater things that these; is He your author?
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
The Red Sea
With these Egyptians in the way, you say it's hard to see the light
Well this wouldn't be the case If you'd realize it's not your fight
Quit standing in the "helplessness", crying out to be moved
Get going and know that His glory shall be proved
He is stirring up the waves with His mighty hand
So be still and walk in peace on this dry land
He shall not forsake you nor leave you without protection
For His direction casts out rejection as you choose objection instead of reflection and projection of His glorious affection because you're used to convection and correction to merely pass inspection as opposed to Perfection's injection of His selection of you.
So stop wailing and moaning about the hardships endured
For He knows that only through this will you be reassured.
Reassured of His presence and ever-surmounting peace
This all-consuming Love that will surely never cease.
The lands will praise the King of Kings from this; rest in truth
Stop believing the lie that your defenseless from youth.
The manna shall be plenty, yet the journey may be long
Prepare for what's ahead and humbly kneel in reverent song.
Worship shall pour forth regardless of season
Now have some faith and ignore foolish reason.
For in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God
Take, therefore, this word and stand tall with your rod.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Revelation 3:16
I'm so fed up with this complacent Christianity
thinking I get heaven simply from sanity
Assuming I'm saved because I liked a page
therefore excusing my occasional rage
I call out when I'm hurting and in need of Him
but there's no way He's there when I'm hittin' the gym
He's the God of my life on Sunday in church
but the darkness of my heart, He can not search.
I know John 3:16 and the message it sends
but what happens when He tells me to surrender my friends?
Hold on. Hold up. Are you telling me
that Jesus is calling for more of thee?
I gave Him my word. I said the prayer.
Don't try to tell me I'm still goin' down there.
That's the reason I'm here, the reason I plea
I can't go to Hell, I thank God, you see?
Oh, really? Cause in between the love, hatred I saw
Spitting harsh words from the "caring" jaw.
All I know is this, lukewarm is out.
The only way in is His name to be shout.
This isn't a with status or even a tweet
He wants you're all; to make your heart beat.
So give up your false thoughts that you're goin to Heaven
for we all know this idea is merely a leaven
lighting the idea that you can keep your life
and still avoid eternity of pain and of strife.
So today is the day, will you give Him you're all?
Are you sick of sitting and ignoring the call?
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Today is the Day
His mercies are new every morning and thenceforth so is your life. He is not calling you to live the same today as you did yesterday nor is He calling you to life the same tomorrow as you did today. Humbly bowing at the feet of the One whose blood drips on your face and washes you clean as you kneel there is your calling. He washes you in the mercies that are intertwined in His blood and then robes you with His righteousness. His call is for action today not compassion tomorrow. To merely make friends is to invite people to Hell. Calling people and challenging them is Love and what I ought to do. No love choses to be fine with getting to know someone first. The time is now; the time is here. Go, therefore! Ride on the chariots boldly into all the lands and take them captive to Christ, the Victor. For if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us. He goes before us, as He always has, in order to ensure that there are no footholds when we run the race with perseverance. Your guardian God won't let you stumble; He will not fall asleep. Get behind me, satan! For your power was stolen from you and has been given to me; I shall, humbly, return the praise with the power to the one who's All-Powerful. Mighty is the Lamb that was slain for my ransom. He paid the price, now how selfish for me to assume that I can merit to whom the price is paid! I am asked to speak, not asked to save, so speak, I shall, for today is the day that sinners rise to be saints, that broken rise to be blessed, that beaten rise to be bold! Today is the day, for there is no promise of tomorrow.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
I Humbly Bow at Your Feet
Forgive me for all of the times that I forget:
that I need you more than I need my next breath.
that my words to You are of no importance in comparison to Your words to me.
that the secret place is far greater than any public place.
that this world is my temporary address, not my heavenly home.
that my words pass and fade, but Your Word is forever.
that this life of mine is nothing if I do not spend it in the presence of Everything.
that the harvest can only be reaped in the amount that it is sown.
that You, oh Love, are greater than any byproduct human love.
that selfishness opposes servanthood and servanthood, evil.
that cravings of the flesh deceive and destroy, but Your craving produce luscious fruit.
that You hold me in the same hand that You hold all the stars of the universe.
that Your plan surpasses the picture book I would destroy.
I ask all this in Your mighty name. Amen.
Forgive me for all of the times that I forget:
that I need you more than I need my next breath.
that my words to You are of no importance in comparison to Your words to me.
that the secret place is far greater than any public place.
that this world is my temporary address, not my heavenly home.
that my words pass and fade, but Your Word is forever.
that this life of mine is nothing if I do not spend it in the presence of Everything.
that the harvest can only be reaped in the amount that it is sown.
that You, oh Love, are greater than any byproduct human love.
that selfishness opposes servanthood and servanthood, evil.
that cravings of the flesh deceive and destroy, but Your craving produce luscious fruit.
that You hold me in the same hand that You hold all the stars of the universe.
that Your plan surpasses the picture book I would destroy.
I ask all this in Your mighty name. Amen.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
1 Kings 3:5-12
Just some random recent thoughts (including the verse above):
- You must be filled before you can overflow.
- There is a vast difference between acknowledging and accepting.
- I'd rather irritate in my asking than infuriate in my not.
- If, in speaking about the Spirit, you desire to reveal the Spirit, speak like the Spirit: boldly and powerfully.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Psalm 139:17&18

I walk along, triumphantly, Your will I desire to show.
I boast as You count the hairs on my head, not in my own power -
all from You all-powerful King whose grace washes me, in shower.
Oh release Your glory cloud to come and rain down Living Water,
for cleansed is the one for whom the lamb took undeserving slaughter.
Here I stand as you carry me across this vast expanse of sand,
knowing You are holding me in the palm of Your mighty right hand;
so whom shall I fear, for who can contend with You, the great I Am?
All fall down at the glory of the One who undoes every scam.
Flawed I fall, yet flawless I'm sent into the pressing battlefield,
declaring the victory You've already claimed - seeing lame healed.
Side by side You waltz with me and show me the narrow path to take,
beckoning me, as Your heir, revealing the beauty You now make.
Miry clay turned to porcelain princess is the transformation;
now calling me, on this beach, to return to the quenching station,
where Living Water flows freely from the ocean so vast and wide,
purifying the one who got dirty again, now called the bride.
This beach wedding reunited the Creator to created,
never again can divorce undertake, for this has been fated.
Oh One whose thoughts toward me far outnumber the place in which we stand,
I humbly bow before Your throne to consecrate this Holy land.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
The Enemy has been Defeated
The devil is not patient. He is not willing to wait. He seeks to devour you like a roaring lion. He scratches and claws at you, looking to harm and destroy. He craves your soul. He earnestly desires to rid you of your joy. He wants you now.
The devil is not kind. He is ruthless and malicious. He cares not whom he hurts nor who he takes down. He hungers to see you suffer and does all he can to ensure this. He condemns and destroys.
The devil is envious. He gnaws at any bone tossed his way. He sees the King of Kings working and yearns for the power that will never be his.
The devil is boastful. He takes immense delight in making his workings, although minute, known. He puffs up the evil workings he does.
The devil is proud. He smirks at the skewed glimpses of "victory" that he sees. He puts out his chest thinking that he has won. He stands on all he has done, even though he has no ground to stand.
The devil is rude. He will trample every care and cry that you have and leave you as dirt. He wants to see you broken and beaten. He ignores every cry and longs for never-ceasing weeping.
The devil is self-seeking. He reflects an extreme kid in a candy store. He wants all for himself and for himself only. He looks out for himself and longs to push you lower to make himself higher.
The devil is easily angered. He whines when you ignore his attempts to crush you. He moans when you step on him and turn from him. He attacks in greater quantities when he is angered to such an extent.
The devil is a keeper of the record of you wrongs. He consistently brings up past errors and burdens. He tries to condemn with his records and yearns to bring an error of yours back to you.
The devil delights in evil. He is evil and delights completely in himself. He sneers at his plans and plots when carried out. He is enchanted at the sight, sound, and touch of evil.
The devil always fails.
Woe to thou whose attempts to scare have failed
Never being able keep the righteous jailed.
Power, none, for who can stand against
The glory of the One who dispensed
all authority to the Throne of grace
to shine upon this unworthy face.
All glory and honor and power
to the One who's the sole strong tower.
None can stand in the might of the King
but all bow down to triumph and sing.
The devil is not kind. He is ruthless and malicious. He cares not whom he hurts nor who he takes down. He hungers to see you suffer and does all he can to ensure this. He condemns and destroys.
The devil is envious. He gnaws at any bone tossed his way. He sees the King of Kings working and yearns for the power that will never be his.
The devil is boastful. He takes immense delight in making his workings, although minute, known. He puffs up the evil workings he does.
The devil is proud. He smirks at the skewed glimpses of "victory" that he sees. He puts out his chest thinking that he has won. He stands on all he has done, even though he has no ground to stand.
The devil is rude. He will trample every care and cry that you have and leave you as dirt. He wants to see you broken and beaten. He ignores every cry and longs for never-ceasing weeping.
The devil is self-seeking. He reflects an extreme kid in a candy store. He wants all for himself and for himself only. He looks out for himself and longs to push you lower to make himself higher.
The devil is easily angered. He whines when you ignore his attempts to crush you. He moans when you step on him and turn from him. He attacks in greater quantities when he is angered to such an extent.
The devil is a keeper of the record of you wrongs. He consistently brings up past errors and burdens. He tries to condemn with his records and yearns to bring an error of yours back to you.
The devil delights in evil. He is evil and delights completely in himself. He sneers at his plans and plots when carried out. He is enchanted at the sight, sound, and touch of evil.
The devil always fails.
Woe to thou whose attempts to scare have failed
Never being able keep the righteous jailed.
Power, none, for who can stand against
The glory of the One who dispensed
all authority to the Throne of grace
to shine upon this unworthy face.
All glory and honor and power
to the One who's the sole strong tower.
None can stand in the might of the King
but all bow down to triumph and sing.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Exodus 5
Verse 6-14 "Your life will be easy when you become a Christian." Will it? According to this, the Egyptians made the Israelites work even harder and beat them when they were trying to follow God. There are many Egyptians (followers of the world) who will come against you and attempt to bog you down with lies and deceit and to make you busy with the ways of the world. But let me tell you something: we serve a God in whom nothing can stand against and He fights for us and all power is His. If we have Him fighting for us, the only way our life becomes harder is when we try to fight the battles He is already fighting. So, yes, the attacks on you will become greater when you become a Christian; however, your life will become easier if you serve God and not religion.
Verse 21 The Israelites blamed not Pharaoh but Moses for their hardships and troubles. We must be careful to not turn against the body for the world see enough of this judgement as it is.
Verse 23 Moses, like so many of us, thinks that what he currently sees around him must be the only thing that God is planning or is going to use for His glory. He cries out in anguish. Hold fast!
Verse 21 The Israelites blamed not Pharaoh but Moses for their hardships and troubles. We must be careful to not turn against the body for the world see enough of this judgement as it is.
Verse 23 Moses, like so many of us, thinks that what he currently sees around him must be the only thing that God is planning or is going to use for His glory. He cries out in anguish. Hold fast!
Friday, March 2, 2012
Exodus 4
Verses 3-5 Sometimes God uses things that we run from to make many believe in the Righteous One
Verses 6&7 When we are unclean and diseased, we can rest in the cloak of righteousness that rests on us and we will be purified; once again, the glory of the Lord will be revealed.
Verses 8&9 God was speaking of the Israelites being the ones who would not listen; He recognizes the stubbornness and rejection that can occur within His own people. I desire to be one who listens without rebuke.
Verses 10-17 We are, like Moses, thick-headed and pitiers. We often cry to God to send someone else who is more sufficient and suitable; the reality is that the Great Commission sent YOU. It is an immediate call to action by a God who has provided us with the ultimate Aaron (the Holy Spirit) to serve as our helper. God Almighty will help us speak and will teach us as we go in order to combat all of the arrows of the enemy.
Verse 17 This word staff is also used to mean tribe. God wants to use His tribe to perform signs. That truth is the same yesterday, today, and forever for God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Verse 21 Solely in the power of the Lord Most High can any works and wonders be performed.
Verse 22 You are a member of the body of the first born son of Yahweh. The blood that dripped out of Jesus flows in you.
Verse 31 The only proper response to the greatness of our God.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Exodus 3
Verse 1 It was while Moses was tending the flock that the Lord appeared. Often, God chooses to reveal Himself when we are tending to our entrusted flock.
Verse 3 I desire to be consumed by Fire Himself and therefore not be burned down, but instead be enflamed for all to see and be curious as to why I am not burned in the heat of the devil's flames.
Verse 7 God hears your cries! That's why He chose to riddle this characteristic all throughout the Bible. What God repeats, we should reserve, reexamine, and remember.
Verse 10 God is calling us in the same fashion, daily, to return to the people in slavery and bondage to rescue them.
Verse 11 The proper response to Yahweh.
Verse 12 The God of all things that ever was, is, or is to come will be with you when you go to free the slaves. Who, then, can stand against us?
Verse 14 The answer to every question that ever existed came in the form of the name in which God gave Himself: The I Am
Verse 15 "I Am" is His name forever. That means that He remains. There is no question that will ever be formulated in which His name changes and, thus, the answer never changes.
Verse 17 His promise remains: He will deliver you and shower His grace and blessing on His people.
Verse 21 We're not merely redeemed victims; we're righteous victors!
Verse 3 I desire to be consumed by Fire Himself and therefore not be burned down, but instead be enflamed for all to see and be curious as to why I am not burned in the heat of the devil's flames.
Verse 7 God hears your cries! That's why He chose to riddle this characteristic all throughout the Bible. What God repeats, we should reserve, reexamine, and remember.
Verse 10 God is calling us in the same fashion, daily, to return to the people in slavery and bondage to rescue them.
Verse 11 The proper response to Yahweh.
Verse 12 The God of all things that ever was, is, or is to come will be with you when you go to free the slaves. Who, then, can stand against us?
Verse 14 The answer to every question that ever existed came in the form of the name in which God gave Himself: The I Am
Verse 15 "I Am" is His name forever. That means that He remains. There is no question that will ever be formulated in which His name changes and, thus, the answer never changes.
Verse 17 His promise remains: He will deliver you and shower His grace and blessing on His people.
Verse 21 We're not merely redeemed victims; we're righteous victors!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Exodus 2
Verse 9 In the same way, Christ takes us, the babies, and nurses us. Not only that, but He pays for us as well. Verse 10 I desire to be so engulfed in the Living Water that one must come and draw me out in order to see my heart. I desire to draw out hearts from the crowd. I desire to Moses hearts.Verse 17 Not only should we come to the rescue of the broken hearted, we must water them with the Living Water in which we are engulfed.Verse 22 Moses' name is known worldwide, generation after generation and is hardly foreign; yet His first-born son's name was "a foreigner there" because even Moses felt like a foreigner at a time. You are not alone.Verse 23&24 The cries of the sons and daughters of God Almighty are always heard, regardless of your slavery and captivity to sin, for He remembers His covenant with you.Verse 25 The God of all of the Universe is concerned about you and all you go through.
(I was simply too excited; I posted two)
Exodus 1
Verse 7 Fruitful parallels in us as the fruit of the Spirit. We are the Israelites and we will be exceedingly fruitful with the fruits of the spirit.
Verse 12 In the same way, the more the devil feebly attempts to attack you, the more you grow for His power is made perfect in weakness.
Verse 14 The devil will ruthlessly attack you. Be alert!
Verses 20&21 When we fear God, especially in the face of trials and enemies, He will reward us and bless us in even greater ways.
Verse 12 In the same way, the more the devil feebly attempts to attack you, the more you grow for His power is made perfect in weakness.
Verse 14 The devil will ruthlessly attack you. Be alert!
Verses 20&21 When we fear God, especially in the face of trials and enemies, He will reward us and bless us in even greater ways.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Ever-Encouraging Exodus
In Exodus, You explain the glories of the ark
and the intricate design, no question mark.
You clearly outline the necessary rules
and how to tell the truly wise from the fools.
The garments of the priest are complex and fancy
the lives of the disobedient ones, quite chancy.
And I sit and ponder this ancient book,
as You open my eyes and tell me to look
to see all Your glory shown then, now to me;
For I am the reason You wrote this decree.
To show that I am more elaborate than clothes
for to You I am a pure, flawless, white rose.
To show that Your ark protects my heart
and in it You make inexpressible art.
To show that Your covenant abides within
for here Your law's written regardless of sin.
To show that the table I come to is grand -
once I am here, how could I stand?
To show that the Tabernacle at which I enter
is the very place my spirit needs center.
To show that the incense glorifies You
as the aroma of Christ off me, ensues.
To show that the lamp is meant for the stand
as You design this unfathomably grand.
To show that the Altar is meant for offers
so I choose to lay down all in my coffers.
To show that the oil comes strictly from You
as life and peace and goodness do.
To show that ephod and breastpiece have function
as the body of Christ must work in junction.
All these things You wrote in Love
to prove that I shall rise above
the plagues and droughts and hunger pains
as done with them; Jehovah reigns!
and the intricate design, no question mark.
You clearly outline the necessary rules
and how to tell the truly wise from the fools.
The garments of the priest are complex and fancy
the lives of the disobedient ones, quite chancy.
And I sit and ponder this ancient book,
as You open my eyes and tell me to look
to see all Your glory shown then, now to me;
For I am the reason You wrote this decree.
To show that I am more elaborate than clothes
for to You I am a pure, flawless, white rose.
To show that Your ark protects my heart
and in it You make inexpressible art.
To show that Your covenant abides within
for here Your law's written regardless of sin.
To show that the table I come to is grand -
once I am here, how could I stand?
To show that the Tabernacle at which I enter
is the very place my spirit needs center.
To show that the incense glorifies You
as the aroma of Christ off me, ensues.
To show that the lamp is meant for the stand
as You design this unfathomably grand.
To show that the Altar is meant for offers
so I choose to lay down all in my coffers.
To show that the oil comes strictly from You
as life and peace and goodness do.
To show that ephod and breastpiece have function
as the body of Christ must work in junction.
All these things You wrote in Love
to prove that I shall rise above
the plagues and droughts and hunger pains
as done with them; Jehovah reigns!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Staking Claim
I am nothing; I am a fool.
I am a pointless, unraveling spool.
I am a sinner; I am a clown.
I am a hater who instills a frown.
I am a broken, fallen disgust
who denies love for a chance at lust.
I am the one who repeatedly hurts
the One in whom my heart, converts.
I am the deadly, poisonous snake
who has caused countless heart ache.
I am nothing; I am a fool,
but I serve the One who makes me a tool.
A tool in which muck is chiseled;
from others lives, sin is fizzled.
Flawless One who delights in me -
Holy, Mighty, Righteous, Free.
Bloody Savior, came down as man
to prove that He is The Greater Than;
greater than me and my lowly being,
greater than those in which He is freeing.
Blessed and beautiful the names He gives;
Beloved He calls the heart that lives.
Matchless and Healer; Love and Peace
Whose grace on me will never cease.
King of Kings and Lord of Lords,
no wrongs of mine, He records.
So nothing I come as nothing You came,
washing me and staking claim.
I am a pointless, unraveling spool.
I am a sinner; I am a clown.
I am a hater who instills a frown.
I am a broken, fallen disgust
who denies love for a chance at lust.
I am the one who repeatedly hurts
the One in whom my heart, converts.
I am the deadly, poisonous snake
who has caused countless heart ache.
I am nothing; I am a fool,
but I serve the One who makes me a tool.
A tool in which muck is chiseled;
from others lives, sin is fizzled.
Flawless One who delights in me -
Holy, Mighty, Righteous, Free.
Bloody Savior, came down as man
to prove that He is The Greater Than;
greater than me and my lowly being,
greater than those in which He is freeing.
Blessed and beautiful the names He gives;
Beloved He calls the heart that lives.
Matchless and Healer; Love and Peace
Whose grace on me will never cease.
King of Kings and Lord of Lords,
no wrongs of mine, He records.
So nothing I come as nothing You came,
washing me and staking claim.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Lavish in Mercy; Scarce in Self
I choose you not for what you can bring me
for I know that you have nothing to offer,
yet I still choose you and I want you to see
that there is a reason I made you my coffer.
Sitting there looking at your human lowly self
trying to fix and obtain My pure beauty;
not realizing that it comes not from yourself
and not from your vain attempts at duty.
Grace is the reason from which you are saved
and from grace, here you stand high and sing;
each secret, unspeakable sin has been waved
you are My bride, and Holy Spirit, your ring.
For with nothing I came down as a child
to rescue you, oh nothing, from obscurity;
in the midst of your suffering, I joyfully smiled
for I transformed you into My purity.
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you,
so be still and know I am King of Kings.
Stop exhausting strength to make yourself new;
just rest in these perfect mercy springs.
for I know that you have nothing to offer,
yet I still choose you and I want you to see
that there is a reason I made you my coffer.
Sitting there looking at your human lowly self
trying to fix and obtain My pure beauty;
not realizing that it comes not from yourself
and not from your vain attempts at duty.
Grace is the reason from which you are saved
and from grace, here you stand high and sing;
each secret, unspeakable sin has been waved
you are My bride, and Holy Spirit, your ring.
For with nothing I came down as a child
to rescue you, oh nothing, from obscurity;
in the midst of your suffering, I joyfully smiled
for I transformed you into My purity.
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you,
so be still and know I am King of Kings.
Stop exhausting strength to make yourself new;
just rest in these perfect mercy springs.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
The Waiting Game
Isn't it strange how the beginning of the speaking of love in 1 Corinthians 13 is "Love is patient."? (v. 4)
Isn't it strange how Moses waited for 6 days in the glory cloud before God even spoke? (Exodus 24:16)
Isn't it strange how God gave instruction to build the Ark of the Covenant before He gave the Covenant? (Exodus 25:16)
No it's not. Because God knew what He was doing and what He is doing and what He will always do.
The carving of the inside creates the beauty of the out;
with hands lifted high and mouths we will shout.
In patience we will wait, knowing it's Your call
to be still and know You, in the midst of it all.
Waiting in glory, like Moses, we desire
for You come in this and rain down with fire.
In this time of wait, make the Ark in my heart
prepare in me the place, before You throw the dart.
Ready and in waiting, we stand up tall and know
You are the Rock and the arrow to throw.
The people entrusted to us we will hold
keeping eyes on the hearts that You wish to mold
for it's easy to keep in sorrow and in pity
but we know that You want to move in this city
so amongst this time of patience that's occurring in us
we know that You have greater when we chose to trust.
Isn't it strange how Moses waited for 6 days in the glory cloud before God even spoke? (Exodus 24:16)
Isn't it strange how God gave instruction to build the Ark of the Covenant before He gave the Covenant? (Exodus 25:16)
No it's not. Because God knew what He was doing and what He is doing and what He will always do.
The carving of the inside creates the beauty of the out;
with hands lifted high and mouths we will shout.
In patience we will wait, knowing it's Your call
to be still and know You, in the midst of it all.
Waiting in glory, like Moses, we desire
for You come in this and rain down with fire.
In this time of wait, make the Ark in my heart
prepare in me the place, before You throw the dart.
Ready and in waiting, we stand up tall and know
You are the Rock and the arrow to throw.
The people entrusted to us we will hold
keeping eyes on the hearts that You wish to mold
for it's easy to keep in sorrow and in pity
but we know that You want to move in this city
so amongst this time of patience that's occurring in us
we know that You have greater when we chose to trust.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Valentine's Day
Love is not just simply a four letter word;
It's not a term thats broken and blurred.
Love is not what you see in divorced home
where families are torn and thick tears roam.
Love is not what you see in that boy's eyes
where lust is consuming and craving flies.
Love is not what you see in the romance clip
where feelings are truth but bound to flip.
Love is not what you see when yelling occurs
where anger and envy are blatant prefers.
Love is not what you see when he holds you after
where sin has prevailed and gone is the laughter.
Tattered and bruised are hearts from this wrong
aching to have what they heartily long:
a solid foundation and truth-ridden Love
a real-deal relation that rises above
the storms of the life with the winds that shake,
feelings that change and hearts that break.
Love is not just simply a four letter word;
God is Love and your cries are heard.
It's not a term thats broken and blurred.
Love is not what you see in divorced home
where families are torn and thick tears roam.
Love is not what you see in that boy's eyes
where lust is consuming and craving flies.
Love is not what you see in the romance clip
where feelings are truth but bound to flip.
Love is not what you see when yelling occurs
where anger and envy are blatant prefers.
Love is not what you see when he holds you after
where sin has prevailed and gone is the laughter.
Tattered and bruised are hearts from this wrong
aching to have what they heartily long:
a solid foundation and truth-ridden Love
a real-deal relation that rises above
the storms of the life with the winds that shake,
feelings that change and hearts that break.
Love is not just simply a four letter word;
God is Love and your cries are heard.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
I live for the glory of the King
All around me makes me sing
"You are Holy, matchless name;
Above all, Your mighty fame."
And yet I see the downcast eyes
longing in a dark disguise
broken, beaten, bruised, and torn
hearts in pieces; in side, thorn.
I belt out for the comfort of cries
and knowledge that You are the only true prize.
The only one who stands all the waves
this life has brought in shallow caves.
These broken hearts will be renewed
and harden, same, for You obtrude
in built-up hearts where no light shines,
You break in and pay the fines;
for life and death are in Your hands,
oh Sovereign One, reveal Your plans -
plans of mercy and of grace
perfect and mighty, the ways you trace -
trace my heart and its design
All in All, You fully align.
So today, I knock and ask this quest:
Take the broken, make them blessed.
All around me makes me sing
"You are Holy, matchless name;
Above all, Your mighty fame."
And yet I see the downcast eyes
longing in a dark disguise
broken, beaten, bruised, and torn
hearts in pieces; in side, thorn.
I belt out for the comfort of cries
and knowledge that You are the only true prize.
The only one who stands all the waves
this life has brought in shallow caves.
These broken hearts will be renewed
and harden, same, for You obtrude
in built-up hearts where no light shines,
You break in and pay the fines;
for life and death are in Your hands,
oh Sovereign One, reveal Your plans -
plans of mercy and of grace
perfect and mighty, the ways you trace -
trace my heart and its design
All in All, You fully align.
So today, I knock and ask this quest:
Take the broken, make them blessed.
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